Rules to follow for the proper functioning of the courses.


Students wishing to make up absences by participating in another work group for free for the same course and term are asked to give more than one week's notice of such absences.
They can do so by emailing, thereby freeing up their place with the administration, which may then offer it to another person wishing to make up a past absence.
In this way, the necessary and justified absences of trainees are not to the detriment of their progress in the course, or that of their fellow students, who would otherwise find themselves in overcrowded classes. The establishment and maintenance of this (rare) remedial system is extra work for the benefit of all students free of charge, who are asked to understand its value and to respect its proper functioning.

Beyond the equivalent of 20% absence from class in a single term, make-up classes will no longer be possible.
A student reporting an absence with less than a week's notice may request to audit another class instead, and the teacher will then decide whether to make the student work or not after all other students have already passed.

Students who are late for a class are asked to notify the teacher, class representative, or administrator by text message, as indicated on their invitation to the program. They are asked to do so as soon as they become aware of it, which is at least 5 minutes before the class starts.
This way, the day's work can be properly organized before the course begins, without disturbing the work of other students.

A student who fails to notify the school of absences (or even late arrivals) may be denied make-up time on future absences.


Attendance in class and regularity in the work and exercises to be prepared, as well as the respect of these internal rules are part, with the level observed in class at each stage of the technique, of the evaluation criteria by the teachers on the constitution of the groups for the re-registrations.
By default, each student can re-enroll in the same group in priority to others during the proposed period once enrollment is open.

Food and beverages (except water) are not allowed inside the classroom while class is in session.
Cell phones must be turned off or put on airplane mode while classes are in session.
A departure before the end of the course must be reported to the teacher, and in a way that does not disrupt the work of others.
Alcohol and drugs are not permitted inside the facility, including for use during scenes. The same applies to flammable products, dangerous objects or weapons.


Registrations or re-registrations are binding by default for the current term, except in exceptional cases validated by written exchanges with the administration.

Students with financial difficulties may request additional time for check cashing by email, which may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

Registrations are generally non-refundable, unless the student wishing to cancel his or her participation finds a replacement for the spot he or she wishes to vacate, or if someone else is already on the waiting list for a full class.
An exceptional refund may also be granted in case of force majeure or compelling and legitimate reason.
It is sometimes possible to reserve or pre-reserve a place online or by check by paying a deposit corresponding to the first month of the term. Additional checks for the following 2 months must be brought in on the first day or mailed the week before.
If the student still has not paid the balance for the remainder of the term at the beginning of the second class, he/she may remain in class as an auditor but may not participate in that class.


Students who do not wish to be filmed or photographed during lessons can send an e-mail to when they register.

By default, they will be considered as interested in these images, and will be able to request copies for their personal and private use. These images may in turn be used to document and promote the courses.