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Based on a few simple and powerful exercises, the Meisner technique may seem easy to teach. However, it is important for the teacher to understand the flow of the text and the playing directions in a way that is adapted to your personality and your individual problems.

An initiative of a student actor who noticed the great disparities of its teachings in the world, and its very incomplete knowledge in France, Paris Meisner Studio’s first goal was to bring to Paris teachers from all over the world to present you healthy, solid and complementary approaches to this very beautiful technique.

Today, it is a research and development center that draws on the rich history of Sanford Meisner and his successors, without dogmatism or bias, to offer you an ever clearer and more effective practice of your art.


Based on a few simple and powerful exercises, the Meisner technique may seem easy to teach. However, it is important for the teacher to understand the flow of the text and the playing directions in a way that is adapted to your personality and your individual problems.

An initiative of a student actor who noticed the great disparities of its teachings in the world, and its very incomplete knowledge in France, Paris Meisner Studio had for first goal to bring to Paris teachers from all over the world to present you healthy, solid and complementary approaches of this very beautiful technique.

Today, it is a research and development center that draws on the rich history of Sanford Meisner and his successors, without dogmatism or bias, to offer you an ever clearer and more effective practice of your art.



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